The Artist

 Hi, I’m Upasana !

Upasana Govindarajan


I'm a digital artist, based in Boston, USA, originally from Chennai, raised in Hyderabad and Coimbatore. My creative journey finds its roots in the cultural landscapes of South India. My childhood was dotted with temple visits and colored with devotional music against the backdrop of Indic wisdom on the canvas of everyday life.

During a brief stint as a software engineer, I followed a calling towards artistic expression in the digital medium. Primarily self-taught, I furthered her skills by studying illustration at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts in Boston, paving the way for my transition to a full-time career in illustration.

I love illustrating stories and devotional poetry, drawing from the rich literature, lore and wisdom of Sanatana Dharma, exploring the intersection of culture and spirituality in the Indian context through visual art.

I also create artwork for books, music videos, marketing and board games.

You can see more of what I do on my website. Keep up with my latest work on Instagram @upasanagovindarajan 

If you'd like to get in touch, contact me here.